Today, we are going to talk about the "disciples" in Matthew Chapter 10.
Actually, there is a choir made up of only theological students. And the name is "The Disciples."
They always sing the Hymn, "Lord, I want to be a Christian."
From what I've heard, the choir has a small repertoire and "Lord, I want to be a Christian" is its best number.
Hang in there! Theological students at Kyoto Glory Church.

Let us talk about "the disciples" from the Chapter 10.
In verse 5, the Lord Jesus first commanded the disciples
preach the gospel.
Then, to give
signs and wonders freely as written in verse 8, because freely we have received.
There were people who truly carried out the words of verses 9 and 10.
They were given only the train fare enough to get to their destination...
Then they built churches there. There are such people here in Japan.
Wonderful, isn't it?. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

When we talk about disciples, we must not forget the following verse.
That is Isaiah 50. Now, please open it.
Let us read verse 4 aloud.

The Lord GOD has given Me
The tongue of the learned,
That I should know how to speak
A word in season to him who is weary.
He awakens Me morning by morning,
He awakens My ear
To hear as the learned.

The disciples referred to here are described as having the tongue of the learned.
Disciples need to sanctify their tongues and ears.
And they are created by the Lord every morning.
A disciple learns by watching his master.
In Japanese, the origin of the word "learn" is "emulate."
We, as the disciples of Christ, are the ones who keep watching Christ and be trained.
In verse 37, it is written twice "worthy of me."
In verse 38, it is clearly written that he who does not take his cross and follow after Christ is not worthy of Christ.
This is the message of the Bible.
Through the name of Christ we may receive all kinds of imputation or the blessings of a cup of water.

- disciples
- those who are baptized into Christ
- those who are of the way.

Though there are various expressions, we would like to become "those who are worthy of Me," as it is written in the Bible.
Let us follow the Lord Jesus, holding on to God's word, and dreaming for a morning that the Lord Jesus tells us, "you are My disciple."



By Ms. Bibli Cal