Today, let us look at Chapter 18.
In verse 1, the disciples came to Jesus and asked
"Who then is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?"
This is a question worthy of close attention. It should not be read through
Since the disciples thought about nothing else, they asked such question.
Who is the greatest?
This was the principal concern of the disciples.
The words came out of their mouths because these words were in their hearts.
For man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.
(1 Samuel 16:7)
We might think...
"This person deserves to be the best. He is a fine person and nothing
about him can be criticized!"
But God does not see it good.
This is true of the story of David too, isn't it?
☆The old lady pastor who gave me her own Christian name said to me,
"Men want status and honor.
Even among pastors, some are like that, so be careful."
She often taught me about this.
Men are often obsessed by being the best.
There are many who are desperate to know what their
position is, and who get in a frenzy to want to climb
Hum-hum. I feel sorry for them. Don't you think so?
However, how about Jesus?
Did He become the greatest person?
Did He ask for status or honor?
When the disciples asked who was the greatest in the kingdom of heaven,
Jesus set a little child in the midst of them.
Their reaction was "Why?"
In Kansai dialect, "Nandeyano?" "Doiukotcha?"
In Kyoto dialect, "Iya, doiukotoe?"
(Visit Madam Abigail's website to know more about Kyoto dialect)
They must have been flabbergasted.
Ha! Ha! Hallelujah!!
Can you imagine the puzzled faces of the disciples?
And Jesus said,
"Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom
of heaven."
He already saw into the disciples' hearts. Hallelujah! Jesus!!
Point 1: Repentance.
Point 2: Becoming like a child.
In order to enter the kingdom of heaven, you should repent
and become like a child.
18:8-9 are harsh words.
They may even seem extreme.
Entering the kingdom of heaven is a serious matter.
It is an important issue whether we enter the kingdom of heaven or not.
I once heard a Korean woman who was raising a child.
When the child did something bad, she thrusted a knife into a tatami mat,
and rebuked the child, reading the scripture and saying,
"Should I cut your hand?" or
"Should I cut your foot?"
When I heard this story, I thought, "That's scary!"
This is the power of Korean women.
It's furious, isn't it? Can you do that?
This "omoni" (mother) was serious about making her child enter the kingdom of heaven,
because she did not want her child to go to hell.
My teacher, who is now in the kingdom of heaven, told me before,
"There are some people who really have cut off their hands or legs,
just as the Bible says."
However, Jesus was not talking about outward appearances, but our hearts.
I say again.
For man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.
(1 Samuel 16:7)
Repentance is a serious, severe and distinct matter.
No matter how hard it is to get rid of, and no matter how much we want
to excuse ourselves, or offer a rationale,
we must determinedly break with what is bad in our hearts.
And we should pray over and over again to God, saying, "Please take it away."
We must first to be taught about the kingdom of God from Jesus Himself, before we become able to teach children and pass it on to others.
We want to speak not borrowed words but the words we ourselves have bitten
off, which are in our blood and which we have experienced.
From verses 18:12 and on, the love of Jesus flows out.
It is written that our prayers will be answered and about the blessings when two or three people pray together.
I appreciate that.
However, it is written that we should forgive not just seven times but
seventy times seven.
This means an infinite number of times.
No one can do that without God's help.
It is impossible for human beings to do so.
Being touched by God's love and mercy, we understand the meaning of God's
cross day by day, and continue to learn.
The torturers in verse 34 refer to Satan.
Paying all our debts means to believe in the cross.
The cross of Jesus is the promise that was written to invalidate my debts
and yours.
It is the blessing of TETTARESTAI (Which means "finished.").
Please learn the Japanese character for "inverse."
It has a different meaning from "allow."
This week too, let us testify together that we are forgiven a lot before
God and loved a great deal.
We who will enter the kingdom of heaven are blessed (MAKARIOI).
Hallelujah! Thank you, Lord.

By Ms. Bibli Cal
<Who Is The Best?>
-Matthew chapter 18-