Let us look at Matthew 19:16.
Probably, many people might have seen the picture of this rich young man.
He asked the Lord Jesus,
"Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?"
This is in 19:16.
Behind his words, "what good things shall I do,"
there is an implication that he is able to do good things.
The Lord Jesus answers his question by referring to the Ten Commandments.
Then, as it is written in verse 20, the young man asks again,
"All these things I have kept from my youth. What do I still lack?"
Whew! I breathed a sigh,
because there are few people, who can say to the Lord Jesus,
"All these things I have kept from my youth."
I have never met such a person yet. How about you?
I think this young man is amazing. I want to say this confession with faith.
However, what did Jesus say to him?
He said, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the
poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me."
Moreover, another translation of the Bible states:
"If you would like to be perfect, that is, to reach spiritual maturity
with self-sacrificing character, go and sell what you have and give to
the poor, and you will have riches in heaven: Then come, be My disciple.
Join me and follow Me."
After all, this rich man was morally correct;
he observes this, he also observes that.
But he could not pass the test, or jump over the hurdle, to let go all his properties.
Sometimes I meet people who like the Bible and Jesus Christ, and who like
to sing praise songs but who have a long face when it comes to deciding
to be baptized or to be Christians.
These people have something they cannot let go like the young man.
Some people cannot abandon the Buddhist altar of their ancestors.
Others cannot forfeit the lives in harmony with other people. And some
cannot hold onto Christ alone.
They cannot give up their own ideas and plans.
Some people are so fond of themselves that they cannot give up their own egos.
And like this young man, these people go away sorrowfully.
I think many people go away
from Jesus...because they cannot let go what they have.
If we wish to enter the kingdom of God,
unless we know our own helplessness,
unless we are like little children, we cannot enter the kingdom of God,
can we?
Are you pleased, thinking that you have nothing to throw away?
Things that must be thrown away (garbage) pile up before you know it.
Let us be careful! Let us be careful!
Yes! Garbage reminded me of something.
When I was a theological student, I learned this.
Let us throw away the garbage (inside our hearts) in the trash can.
Garbage must not be scattered around all over the place.
And make sure you put the garbage into the garbage bag on the garbage collection
Let us keep strictly to the right date and right time for taking out the
Let us call out and pray "Jesus," and ask Him to cleanse our hearts all the time.
Now, after this rich young man had gone away;
Immediately Peter said in 19:27;
"See, we have left all and followed You. Therefore what shall we have?"
It's typical of Peter!! However he really is a unique and lovable person,
isn't he?
An interesting person. Totally frank, that's who he is.
Moreover, a famous passage following this, is stated in another translation:
"And anyone and everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters
or father or mother or children or lands for My name's sake will receive
many, even a hundred times more and will inherit eternal life."
¦Note that the things we should throw away are just a few; houses and brothers
and sisters and fathers and mothers and children and lands.
However, what we can receive are a hundredfold of them.
This is the promise of the Lord.
You can talk about the greatness of God's blessings from this.
If you abandon a mother, you will receive many mothers.
This is the principle of the Bible, and this is the message.
This is also written in Mark 10:29, 30, and 31.
Please open the Bible and read it.
What is written?
It says not only that they will receive 100 times as much,
but also "with persecutions!"
In persecutions and trials, we will undergo the fire and be seasoned with salt in tearful prayers and as ones that are not spoiled, we will receive 100 times from God.
This is a wonderful scripture.
It is a promise of truth. It is words of comfort.
Since God is omnipotent, He does not want what we have.
When I was young, I was taught;
"God is not a beggar!!
He does not say, 'I want that!' or 'I want this!' He sees our hearts."
Amen. That's exactly right.
When we live for Christ, and for the good news, we cannot help but throw away what we have.
Moreover, there are some things which we can throw away.
However, we have to be careful about our attitude;
"Lord, I threw this away," or "I gave that up,"
or "Look! I threw it away, didn't I?!
This is not throwing away at all!
The Lord says,
"But many who are first will be last, and the last first."
The Lord looks at the heart and answers.
He is really a good teacher.
Hallelujah! Thank you, Lord.

By Ms. Bibli Cal
What Is To Be Thrown Away
@ @@@@@@-Matthew chapter 19-