Today, we will talk about Matthew 24 which tells of the prophecies of the End-Time and preparations for it.
It says that false prophets will appear.
In the End-Time, prophecy is greatly used.
Even Satan speaks prophecies from Satan.
Today, I studied the Book of Daniel.
I came across the passage about the "abomination of desolation"
which also appears in Matthew 24 (verse 15) which we look at
Among those who are reading Bibli Cal's article now,
there must be many who had studied the Book of Daniel.
And they must also have learned about Antiochus Epiphanes, the king of
In Daniel 8:25, it is written that "he shall be broken without human means."
This Antiochus went mad and died.
The more we learn of history,the more the accuracy of Biblical prophecies and irrefragability and the truth of
God's word stand out.
This is the proof that the Bible was written by the hand of God.
In Matthew 24, we can see from history how accurately the prophecies were accomplished.
For example, in 24:2,
the destruction of Jerusalem is mentioned. This took place in AD70.
In the End-Time, it was prophesied that
a person like King Antiochus Epiphanes...
"abomination of desolation" would stand in the holy place.
Although this is readily comprehensible to Jews,
it would be hard for us to understand unless we study the Old and New Testaments
The 66 books of the Bible are deeply connected.
Let's study it! Let's study it!

In the chapter which mentions the prophecies of the End-time (verse 13),
it is written that "he who endures to the end shall be saved."
This scripture appears in the Gospel of Matthew which is the first of the New Testament.
Now, everyone!
The last book of the New Testament is the Revelation of John, right?
And the same thing is also written here.
In 13:10 of the Revelation, we find:
"Here is the patience and the faith of the saints."
In 14:12 of the Revelation,
"Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments
of God and the faith of Jesus."
The following passages are the key points of the End-Time:
○He who endures to the end (Matthew 24:13)
○The patience and the faith (Revelation 13:10)
○Keeping the commandments of God and patience
(Revelation 14:12)
What is the meaning of "patience" written here?
In the Bible, the original meaning of this word includes the militant spirit to positively fight on despite the difficulties.
Let us be alert and observe the word of God,
without pulling back before Satan,
and take steps forward victoriously every day.
The Lord will come at an unexpected time on an unexpected day.
We want to spend every day in such a way that we can say "Lord, I was waiting for you," whenever the Lord comes.
By Ms. Bibli Cal
<In The End-Time>
〜Matthew 24〜