Christians are those who believe in the Cross of Jesus and Jesus' resurrection.
They are those who say, "Yes! Amen!! Thank you!," even if others say, "It's stupid!" or ask "Do you really
take all that seriously?" or, "That's too optimistic thinking."

The faith by which we are thrilled and moved by the grace of the Cross
for our sins whenever we read scriptures about the Cross of Jesus -- that
is our life.
Each morning, let us be moved by the Cross of the Lord Jesus,
and pray and ask for new anointing!
When the Lord Jesus was crucified, he was betrayed by His disciples and
This is also the road which we, Christians, shall take.
Are you prepared for that?
Those who believe will take the way, uh` cnknqnr` for Christ's name sake.
<Rejoice, and your reward will be great.>
Always bearing these words in mind...
In order to understand the Cross of the Lord Jesus, God makes us go through
the valley of tears.
We are betrayed and abandoned by others.
Even the life of Joseph in Genesis reminds us of the Lord Jesus.
Joseph who had been abandoned, and sold by his brothers later became the
one who saved them.
Here is a deep message from God.
You should not look at the Cross from far away. (Those will easily stray
from Jesus.)
Let us run along just under the Cross of the Lord Jesus.
Let us run so near Jesus that warm blood from the broken body of Jesus
covers over us.
I believe that those who can see each wound of the Lord Jesus can also
face up to their own sins.
It is us who wounded Jesus on the Cross, and He sacrificed Himself for
We must face and receive the Cross of the Lord Jesus, with all our hearts
and souls, even if it nearly knock the breath out of us.
First of all, the most important thing is that you must not try to run
You must not cover your eyes.
This is an important starting line.
And as we go forward believing in the Cross,
<To live is Christ, and to die is gain.>
We can truly become the disciples and the servants of Christ,
without preaching the gospel of Christ for our own ambition,
or using Christ for our own ends.
The point is that the Cross of the Lord Jesus is for my sake.

Next, God teaches us the faith of the resurrection.
The living God is the God in whom Christians believe.
This is my God and your God.
Here is the source from which the life and the joy of Christians well up.
<The Lord of resurrection breathed on me , and said to me, "Receive
the Holy Spirit.>
Christ prevailed over death, and He is alive.
For three days He went down to the grave.
I want to write a lot about this, but for the moment I will not.
I would like to write a lot about it if I am allowed to do it..
The living Christ, the Spirit of Christ dwells within us.
He lives in me and also in you.
This Spirit given to all of us who believe vividly reveals the Lord Jesus
to us.
He teaches us and leads us. He also shows us our sins.
He is our helper, and intercedes for each one of us today, too!
He opens REMA of the scripture to us.
Hallelujah!! Let us praise the Lord loudly.
How wonderful the love of God is! How wonderful the grace of God is!
<The Lord dwells in me.>
If you understand this deeply in your heart, it will make your faith strong.
This is what Dr. Cho Yonggi said.
And Pastor Sumi Shimomura taught this to us over and over again.
And she put her hand on me and gave me the name of "Anna of the resurrection."
(Wow! So your name is not Bibli Cal?! No, it is my pen name.)
At the end of Matthew,
there is a passage saying;
"and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
You can understand that, can't you?
It means life lived together with the Holy Spirit.
At the crossroads in our life, He is always with us.
He dwells in us and shows us the way and teaches us.
We are happy because we can follow God.
Our life is for the Lord Jesus!!
It is the Lord Jesus who has the authority over our life
and death!!
Amen?? Amen!!
It is by the power of the Spirit that we can understand this clearly.
It is also written in Revelation.
<Be faithful until death>
Paul said, "I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally,
there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness." (See 2 Timothy
Chapter 4)
How happy we are if we can live our lives in this way!! It is MAKARIOI.
Let us take hold of this scripture and follow the Lord Jesus!
May each one of you who have supported me be filled with the power of the
resurrection of the Lord Jesus and be full of the blessings of God!!
Hallelujah! Thank you, Lord.