Five women・・・the number of five means "grace".
When we study these five women one by one,
though some like Ruth and Maria,
we find the remaining 3 women were buffeted about by the storms of life.

In Matthew 1:1, at first the Bible says “the Son of Abraham”..
Jews are also impressed with the word, "Abraham."
In comparison, in Mark, it is written as "The beginning of the gospel
of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.."(I'll tell about this in detail
when I write about the gospel of Mark!)
In one of the Bibles I have, the names of these five women were especially
written in bold-faced letters. Isn't it amazing? !
In that Bible is written the personal history of Jesus born in "poverty"
and "uncleanness."
This is our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Jesus was born for all of the people,
died for all,
resurrected for all,
and give Holy Spirit for all believers.
I'll give you one point lesson here.
It is said that the original word of "family tree (birth)" in
chapter 1, verse 1 is the synonym as Genesis.
What a wonderful wisdom of God! What a deep truth the Bible has !
verse 3 Tamar
verse 5 Rahab and Ruth
verse 6 the wife of Uriah(Bathsheba)
verse 16 Mary
☆for those who have a Bible but do not read it,
☆for those who do not understand Bible because it is difficult,
☆for those who don't want to read an Old Testament, or who do not like
Bible because you can't understand the family tree at the beginning of
New Testament.
Yes, for you I, Ms. Bibli Cal will give you "a very interesting family tree in Matthew !!"
Anyway, be patient and read Matthew 1:1-17.
O.K. Among those names which you blow a tongue when you sound, names of
five women shine.
<Five Women>
However, this is the grace of God.
Those people were listed on the family tree of Jesus Christ.
(Moses was not on the family tree because he was Levi.)
He was not on the family tree of Jesus Christ.
It was surprising that women's names were listed on the family
tree of Jesus Christ.
When I was an elementary and a junior high school student, it was tiresome
for me to read Matthew chapter 1. So I used to ask the teacher of the church
school if I can skip the chapter because I don't want to read it.
However, my teacher said, "You may not understand it now, but you
will be able to understand it later. So you should read it now." And
he continued to encourage me.
I thought it was good for me to keep reading as he told me.
You cannot understand the Bible, if you don't continue to read it.
So, let us read the Bible.
☆Matthew was written by a Jew for Jews!
arrangement, terms, and ideologies of Matthew are put together so that
Jews can understand it.
In chapter 2, at the birth of Jesus, the word of "dream" appears repeatedly.
Old testament was also quoted many times.
Jews are impressed with These words!!
(In the old testament, when God shows His intention to people, He often uses dreams. Especially in Matthew, this method are used repeatedly.)
In Matthew chapter 1, God's will and purpose are written richly.
By Ms. Bibli Cal