Today Ifm going to talk about the Matthew Chapter 6. (Up to Verse 18 are
covered today.)
Because they are famous Verses, let's read them carefully!!
Bible is a wonderful book.
It is written gTake heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them.h in 6:1.
What and how should we be careful?
Introduction (Verse 1)
About charitable deed (Verse 2-4)
About a prayer (Verse 5-15)
About a fast (Verse 16-18)
First, in Verse 2, a charitable deed done to have glory from men,
in Verse 5, prayer offered to be seen by men,
and in Verse 16, fasting done to appear to men are written.
Let's be careful! Let's be careful!
God sees your heart and sees your motive.
(It is heart which the Book of Matthew emphasizes and teaches.)
The poor in spirit. See <Makarioi> in Bibli Cal.
Now, "When you do a charitable deed...", is in Verse 3. The word gyouh is the
singular form.
For me, and for you, it is a message.
Let's straighten up and listen to the words of the Lord.
Moreover, in Verse 6 it is written, " When you pray..."
It is also the singular number.
Also in Verse 17, it is written, "When you fast ..."
It is the message which God speaks to each of us individually.
My God is God of love who tells each of us so that
we can understand.
When I and you do a charitable deed, pray, or fast, what should we do?
The Bible says.
In Verse 4, gYour charitable deed may be in secret...h
In Verse 6, gWhen you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secretch
In Verse 18, gYou appear to your Father who is in the secret place.h
What is the point?! What is the key word?!.
It is to be hidden to men. It is not to show off.
Those who live a glorious Christian life were brothers and sisters who continue charitable deed in secret, prayer life in secret, fast in secret, which we have been taught and seen actually.
Sound a trumpet before people.
Letting your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Standing on
the corners of the streets. Disfigure their faces.
These are all the aspects of seeing man's face, focusing on people, and
are waiting for their evaluation. Let's take care!!
We want to ask the Lord for the clear eye and clear spirituality through
which we can look straight at heart by our own eyes, donft we?
It may mean to live in "the world of God and oneself"? We want
to live with the faith which looks up at only God?
In Verse 8, it is written, gyour Father,h which is written in a plurality form.
In Verses 14 and 15, gyou (plurality form)h is written.
When we read the Bible carefully, we receive many messages from it.
There is nothing hidden before God, but there are many things that are
unknown to people in spiritual domain of Christian life.
"One leads a life which is not known for the blessing of others' spirituality."
It is a hidden life, but such believers exist.
Believe and live with the words of the Bible.
What a noble-minded vision and spirituality yielded from the life of eating the words of Bible.
We want Christ's character, donft we?
How happy are we, who grasp tightly these words of God,
and listen to these words of God,
and follow God with whole body and soul.
Hallelujah! Thank you, Lord!
Next time, I, Bibli Cal, will continue to talk about Chapter 6 from Verse
19 to the end.
By Ms. Bibli Cal