In the morning when we started digging the well,
a rainbow appeared in the sky!!
Many workmen are working at the construction of
Prayer House of the Water Brooks.
We wonder how far the construction will proceed
before the prayer meetings that are scheduled
in the year-end and New Year holidays...
I pray the Lord that we can pray
in a carpeted and warm chapel.
I heard that they will start digging the well from Dec. 22....
@@@τ@Come fill me up,
@@@the well of living waterIτ
I can't help but sing the praise!
©The well of Prayer House of the Water Brooks
The cross on the roof will be installed within this year.
Inside the meeting place will also be decorated beautifully
like a chapel.
I am excited to see it completed! I am excited!
From next year, we may have baptismal ceremonies
at the prayer house also.
With the fresh and clean water of here....
This year, 5 people were baptised. Hallelujah!
The first person was baptised by the lake of Biwa.
Following that person, 4 people received the blessings of
baptism at Kyoto Glory Church.
I am filled with expectations how many people the Lord will
lead to the baptism and how many people He will
lead to marriage at this beautiful
Prayer House of the Water Brooks next year.
Today also, I was feelingly thinking
"the Bibles are buried under here..."
-----@Indeed, God's Words are our foundation@-----
"and the rain descended, the floods came,
and the winds blew and beat on that house;
and it did not fall,
for it was founded on the rock."
iMatthew 7:25j
I was told that the exterior will be completed the next week.
Please wait with excitement.