NO.22 They Got Us!
☆Oh, no!! That potatoes, which we planted and
we were looking forward to seeing it grow.....were eaten.
The offenders are probably those tough lot of wild boars
...they got us...
However, no harm has been done to the flowers in the garden!
Better fill the bellies of wild boars than their eyes.....
Now that it's come to this, shall we eat them up
at "Wild Boar Noodles"?
(Delicious noodle shop near
Prayer House of the Water Brooks
☆Since it was a good weather today, the Pastor and Brother T
went again to the stream behind Prayer House of the Water Brooks
to gather wild Japanese butterbur.
It seems that they are engrossed in gathering wild plants....
☆Next Sunday, we will have the last Potluck Party in May.
Wild Japanese butterbur boiled in soy sauce
(spiced with Japanese pepper)
Rice cake with artemisia leaves....
all are harvested at
Prayer House of the Water Brooks
The tables will be filled with specialties that everyone brings.
☆Next time, we would like to have the potluck party at
Prayer House of the Water Brooks
Tempura of wild plants must be good also.
In Summer, how about having Japanese vermicelli in the stream...
May be it's not enough to fill the stomach of young people,
we might have barbecue, after all.
It's amusing, amusing... I'm happy, happy....
To have a fellowship with God's family surrounded by nature....
It's terrific!
The reason why first comers can open up may be in the presence
which we rejoice the Lord in the nature that He has made.
"and also that every man should eat and drink
and enjoy the good of all his labor-it is the gift of God."
Ecclesiastes 3:13 A-MEN
☆But still those tough lot of wild boars.....
They ate up our new potatoes.....
They know what's delicious better than us.
with LOVE from
Prayer House of the Water Brooks
by Keihoku Kyoko