Mar. 31(Sat.) 2018
"2018 Passover celebrated by Christians" was held at Prayer House of the Water Brooks.

This year also the Passover Feast begins with the sound of Shofar!

Seder Plate and shank bone of passover lamb

Pst. Kazuhito Yukizawa of Sunrise Christ Church

Sweeeeet Charoset


2nd Part of the Feast:
Praise & Worship by the worship team of Kyoto Glory Church

Pst. Aoki shared the relationship of Evangelical Church and the President
in the U.S.
which gave us a deep insight.

Sis. Vanessa, a gospel singer who loves Israel, visited us from Nashville,
With her heartful and soulful song, she added a beautiful touch to the

Pst. John Yoshida of Kyoto Glory Church
What it means to love Israel? What is the true restoration?
Through his message, he stirred up our zeal to pray for Israel!

3rd Part of the Feast: Fellowship over the Meal
Each nation's table♪

Of course, we have a table with Israeli goods

Hand made Temari Sushi (ball-shaped sushi)

A plate representing Spring!

Please enjoy Japanese sweets, too.

This is my first Passover Feast!

We give thanks to the Lord for the wonderful Passover Feast!
See you next year!