2007 Passover






We made flags using milk agar and vegetables. Japan & Israel




Coffee, tea, Maccha. Please help yourself to whatever you like.


      We are receptionists.




Pst. Yoshida

Pst. Yukizawa


Mr. Ariel Blumenthal


Grape juice


Shank bone of lamb


We press one another's acupressure points of shoulder stiffness.


We dip parsley in salt water and eat it.


Eating bitter herbs.


Eating Charoset.



Pst. Anna playing Japanese harp



Praise♪ Praise♪ Praise♪


Dance♪ Dance♪ Dance♪


Fellowship over the meal Food in which flour is not used.


Main dish - Roasted lamb






After the feast. Please go home safely.


We grilled oysters. Thank you, Pst. Shindo.
