Oct. 6 (Sat.) 2012
"2012 Sukkot celebrated by Christians" was held at Prayer House of the Water Brooks.

One who stands in the gap

Rice harvested in Uonuma was also used for meal!

Thank the Lord of harvest!
Products were harvested in various area and collected for the feast!

It will start soon!
-- Building Sukkot --

-- Communion Service --

Pst. Kazuhito Yukizawa

Hallelu♪ Hallelujah♪ Hallelu♪ Hallelujah♪


Pst. John Yoshida

Pst. Yamanaka
-- Fellowship over Meal --

Please have food from various countries♪

Looks yummy♪

Bingo game✩✩✩

I did it! Bingo!
In the end we played Rock-scissors-paper game!

After the feast, it brought blessed rain!