Oct. 8 (Sat.) 2011
"2011 Sukkot celebrated by Christians" was held at Prayer House of the Water Brooks.

The Lord, thank you for the wonderful weather!

This year's special☆ Sukkot made of sugary sweets.

We ate "dates," souvenir of Israel, and planted its seed. It
grew big like this!

Challar bread

Pst. Anna is writing in monthly magazin, "HOPE."

With the sound of Shofar...
-- Building Sukkot --

-- Praise & Worship --

Let us celebrate the Sukkot with singing♪


Singing Israeli worship songs...Berachah

Pst. Anna Yoshida

Pst. Yukizawa

Pst. Yoshida

Praying for Israel
-- Fellowship over Meal --

Looks yummy♪

Apple honey cake for Rosh Ha Shana

-- Game Time --

Shakng game♪ Who can shake pedometer the most?

10 seconds to go!!

Give thanks to the Lord who gave us wonderful Sukkot!!