2004 Sukkot

Oct. 1 (Fri.) 2004

"2004 Sukkot celebrated by Christians" was held at Prayer House of the Water Brooks.

It is the wonderful clear sky after the storm in autumn.

Leaves of palm trees and tamarisk trees

Silver grass and Cross  It is Japanese. Myrtle branches and Cross

These are "Akebi" fruit! Tasty!

Paddy rice and fruits

With the sound of shofar the feast begins.

Prayer by Pst. Takimoto

Message by Pst. Yukizawa It was very powerful and humorous.

Pst. Yoshida

Singing by Pst. Anna

Praise the name of the Lord!

Blessing of bread            Blessing of grape juce

-- Building Sukkot --

Let us build the Sukkot!

Neighbors also came.

Those who gave us paddy rice also came.

Drawing the water from the pool of Siloam

Singing Israeli worship songs by Berachah♪

Mayim Mayim

-- Scooping goldfish --

It looks fun☆☆☆

-- Fellowship over Meal --

Grace at meals

Take a picture of me.

Prayer for thanksgiving

We pray to the Lord for giving thanks about God's blessing today!
