Footprints of Ujisato Gamo
2) When he was relieved of his burden
After Ujisato came back to Hino in Shiga prefecture,
he hardly had time to relax, and had to go to battles day
after day. Ujisato led the van of the army all the time and
joined wars as the army of Nobunaga such as Battle of
Yasugawa to quell revolts, Yakiuchi of Enryaku Temple
(setting fire to the temple), and the battle with Asakura -
Azai combined force.
Though Ujisato was pleased with his own success, at the
same time, I think he was exhausted his mind and body
as well because he kept fighting one after another, and
must have been engaged in domestic politics when he
came back . Ujisato questioned whether he should keep
doing this for the rest of his life. At that time, Ujisato met
Ukon Takayama. Ujisato got interested in Ukon who seemed to be shining,
although he did not
know what it is. It was just the time when Ukon came to the conviction
that he himself was
a Christian, and when he became the lord of Takatsuki Castle. (See Footprints of Ukon
Takayama for details.) I think Ujisato tried to find out why Ukon was always
shining even though
he was as busy as Ujisato. Then Ujisato found out that Ukon was a Christian,
and was taught
its teaching. Ujisato began to yearn for the same faith as Ukon's. It was about 1574 when Ujisato
was 19.
There is a following scripture in the Bible;
"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
(Matthew 11:28)
When we bring our load on our minds to Jesus Christ, He will give us rest in our minds,
enrich our minds, make us full of life and shining.
Hard feelings Ujisato had got was taken away, and he could experience real
Then Ujisato came to know that this is the secret to keep shining.
However it was still years before he got baptized.
(The Kyoto Glory Church Translation Committee is responsible for the wording
of this article.)
戦国の大偉人「蒲生氏郷公小伝」 瀬川欣一著
Old townscape remaining in Hino town