Footprints of Ujisato Gamo
Nakano (Hino) Castle at Hino
town, Shiga prefecture
Where trees are in further left
is the ruin of Nakano Castle.

4) Changing the country
Ujisato joined the battle of Komaki and the battle of Nagakute
to fight against Ieyasu troops as the forces of Hideyoshi
Toyotomi in 1584 (Ujisato at the age of 29.)
This was the important battles to determine who would seize
Japan after Nobunaga's death. The victory of the battle could not
be determined, as the result, they made peace with Ieyasu
Tokugawa forces. During the battles, two significant events took
place for Ujisato. One is that his father, Katahide, whom Ujisato
trusted died. Since his father looked after his country while
Ujisato was away, Ujisato could go to battles without worry.
Another is that, Hideyoshi ordered Ujisato to move from Hino
town, Shiga prefecture to Ise's Matsugashima Castle in Matsuzaka,
Mie prefecture, which the army of Ujisato conquered 2 months
before these battles. It was a big event for not only Ujisato but the
people of Hino town because the Gamo family had ruled over Hino
town for 400 years. Hino town was 60,000 Goku, and Ise's Matsugashima Castle was 120,000
Goku which was double the land of Hino town. Ujisato might be able to obtain
all 120,000 Goku
only if he conquered anti-Hideyoshi force. Disobedience to the order of
Hideyoshi who would
now become a supreme ruler of the whole country meant the destruction of
the Gamo family.
Therefore Ujisato had to bear the burden of obeying the tough order of
this change of country.
In mid-June, 1584, Ujisato and his retainers entered Matsugashima Castle
of Matsuzaka,
Mie. It was written in Ujisato-ki which mentioned about Ujisato, "after entering Matsugashima,
he never was able to sleep with peace of mind not even a night."
There is a following scripture in the Bible;
"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give
you rest."(Matthew 11:28)
This is one of the famous words of Jesus. Ujisato might have heard the
I think Ujisato began to feel then that it was Jesus Christ to whom he
could bring his heavy
burden which he himself could not bear.
(The Kyoto Glory Church Translation Committee is responsible for the wording
of this article.)
戦国の大偉人「蒲生氏郷公小伝」 瀬川欣一著