Footprints of Gracia Hosokawa (seven episodes)

  About 400 years ago, during Japan's Warring StatesPeriod,
  there was a Christian woman who loved Jesus Christ
  with all her heart and followed Him with absolute trust.

1. True Victor

Her name was Gracia Hosokawa.
Gracia, which means "God's grace" was her Christian name.

It might appear that Gracia was tossed around by cruel fates during the Warring States period and spent a brief, tragic life.

However, through Gracia's Christian life, God clearly shows us who live in the confusion of the modern world, where the true and unwavering hope, love, freedom and strength that well up from the heart are found.
Even Hideyoshi, who unified the nation, could not take away the source of Gracia's strength.

Through her life, we can see how God's grace made people stand firm, gave them strength and led them to true victory.

             (Esther Atsuji is responsible for the wording of this article.)

 「細川ガラシャ〜炎の十字架〜」 さかいともみ著
 「細川ガラシャのすべて」 上総英郎編
