Footprints of Gracia Hosokawa (seven episodes)

  About 400 years ago, during Japan's Warring States Period,
  there was a Christian woman who loved Jesus Christ
  with all her heart and followed Him with absolute trust.

6. Letter to Father Cespedes

There is a letter from Gracia to Father Cespedes among the
correspondence of Luis Frois. The strength of Gracia’s faith at that
time is clear from the letter.

“As you know, nobody persuaded me to become a Christian.  Rather, through the grace of God Almighty, I discovered Christianity for myself.  Even if the skies were to fall and the grass and trees dry up and wither, the faith which God has granted me will never waver.

My sufferings have not ceased since you were deported, but the Lord has helped me and bestowed on me His grace.

Maria and I are already resolved,  if we are persecuted by my husband, Tadaoki, or by Hideyoshi, we will take the opportunity to show our love for God and receive with joy all the pains which may be inflicted upon us. 

All the Christians with me are firm in their faith and I intend to recommend martyrdom to everyone should I feel that the moment of supreme truth has arrived.”

             (Esther Atsuji is responsible for the wording of this article.)

 「細川ガラシャ〜炎の十字架〜」 さかいともみ著
 「細川ガラシャのすべて」 上総英郎編
(Clear stream of Midono)
