Footprints of the Martyrs of the Hosokawa Domain@No.19@ @@@@@

Genya Ogasawara and Miya Kagayama @Last Episode

On January 30, 1636, a total of 15 people including Genya and Miya, and their 9 children
Genpachirou, Mari, Kuri, Sazaemon, Sauemon, Shirou, Gorou, Tzuchi, Kennosuke, and
4 servant girls of Ogasawara who also believed in the Lord, were all martyred with a sword
at Zenjyouin temple.

Today their tomb is in the middle of Hanaoka mountain on the outskirts of Kumamoto.
This tomb was found in the years of Bunsei (1818-1829) which was 190 years after their
martyrdom. Back then, bodies of martyrs were burned to cinders and thrown in the sea.
Moreover, there is almost no grave remained where the bodies were buried because
churchyards were devastated by the government. Nevertheless, this tomb has been
amazingly protected to this day.

Times have changed, and in 1871 (Meiji 3) of cultural enlightenment, The Kumamoto
Yogakko was established to learn culture and technologies of the West. An American,
Leroy Lansing Janes was invited as a teacher. He taught all subjects including English, mathematics, geography, history, physics, chemistry, astronomy, geology, and biology by
himself, and taught about Jesus Christ at the Bible class which was held at his house.

In January, 1876, 40 students, having believed in Jesus Christ under his influence, went
up this Hanaoka mountain, had a prayer meeting there, and signed an oath called
"Houtensyuisyo" to the effect that "save our country by preaching Christianity".

It happened 240 years after Genya, Miya and their famiry were killed and buried at this
Hanaoka mountain, as they loved Jesus Christ without giving up their faith to the end.

Although it took place right after the ban on Christianity was rescinded, the school was forced
to close and Janes was fired. However the students moved to Kyoto, according to the advice
of Janes, and entered Doshisha school just founded by Jo Niijima in 1875. They were called
"Kumamoto Band" along with "Sapporo Band" and "Yokohama Band". They formed one of
the three major headwaters of Protestant in modern Japan and preached the good news to
many people.

"But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.
ฅฅฅฅฅฅHe is Lord of all." (Acts 10:35-36)

(The Kyoto Glory Church Translation Committee is responsible for the wording of this article.)



