The vassals of Takayama Ukon who had lost his master and country, especially
those Christian vassals served a brave general in Warring States, Gamo
Ujisato, and came to Aizu district (now Fukushima Prefecture). Diego Kagayama
Hayato was also one of them.
Gamo Ujisato was counted as a member of gRikyu Shichitetsuh along with Takayama Ukon and Hosokawa Tadaoki. He came to know Jesus Christ through Takayama Ukon when he was eight years old. His Christian name was Leo. In 1590, he went with the army to the front when Hideyoshi sent the army to Odawara, and rendered distinguished services. He received Aizu Kurokawa castle of 420,000 koku and renamed Kurokawa to Wakamatsu and became a great feudal lord of Aizu 920,000 koku.
*Rikyu Shichitetsu
means seven favorite disciples of Sen No Rikyu. It is also called "Rikyu
Deshishu Shichininshuh. Shibayama Kenmotsu, Seta Kamon, Makimura Hyobu,
and Furuta Oribe are in others.