Footprints of Yukinaga Konishi
1. Personal History and Encounter with Christ (A)
Yukinaga Konishi (Childhood name: Yakuro), famous as a Christian feudal
lord, was born in about 1558 in Kyoto (Another thesis said in Sakai). He
was not born as warrior's child, but as a merchant's second son. His father
and mother were devout Christians and their Christian names were Joachim
and Madelene. Yukinaga was baptizsed when he was about 26 years old.
Until then, he was adopted into a merchant famil in Bizen Okayama (west
part of Japan). When Ukita Naoie, who was well known as a wise feudal lord,
was going to send a messenger to Hideyoshi for a peace negotiation with
Oda Nobunaga, he couldn't find one who suited.
Under such circumstance, Yukinaga Konishi, who was not only intellect but
also good at battle was among merchants in the castle town. Behind him,
Yukinaga's parents must have been praying earnestly for him.
(The Kyoto Glory Church Translation Committee is responsible for the wording
of this article.)
「小西行長」 田村襄次 著
「新編日本武将列伝 6」 桑田忠親 著