Footprints of Yukinaga Konishi

1. Personal History and Encounter with Christ (C)

After that Yukinaga was hired by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and joined in Hideyoshi's attack of Bitchuu-Takamatsu castle which was historically well known in Japan and left many miritorious deeds.

During that time, Oda Nobunaga was killed by Akechimitsuhide's rebellion. Probably, Yukinaga experienced battles and fickleness of the human heart, wondered what he would be after death under threat of death. Currently (2003) the Iraq war has broken out and the soldiers and people who are in the front line arel iving faced with death. However, U.S. soldiers hear the Biblical stories and believe that they will receive an eternal life if they believe Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Probably, Yukinaga's condition ws similar to it.

On the other hand, Yukinaga wanted to achieve distinguished sevices in the war in his twenties. However, his new assignment given from Hideyoshi was a ship magistrate (work of the operation supervisor of cargo boats). Hideyoshi thought highly of Yukinaga's ability of merchant instead of warrior.

These days, Yukinaga met Takayama Ukon. Ukon governed Takatsuki (Osaka) as a Christian feudal lord in 1584, and obtained much confidence from warriors and citizens (please take a look at Footprint of Takayama Ukon for details).

Yukinaga heard Biblical stories again by meeting with Takayama Ukon. He learned that people's heart change, but the word and the promise of God never change.

Yukinaga's mental eye was opened and he believed that Jesus Christ was killed for his sin, and resurrected. After this, he started to walk as Christian feudal lord.

(The Kyoto Glory Church Translation Committee is responsible for the wording of this article.)

「小西行長」 田村襄次 著
 「新編日本武将列伝 6」 桑田忠親 著
