Footprints of Yukinaga Konishi

3. Period of rule at Udo (Southern part of Kumamoto Pref.) (A)

In 1588, one year after reigning over Setouchi, Yukinaga moved to Udo (now southern part of Kumamoto).
This was the moment that he became a feudal lord of 240,000 Koku (unit of volume) from 10,000 Koku.

Who could imagine that he was promoted like this though he was from a merchant. I think that there were a lot of training and prayer to God behind the scenes.
It was like Joseph in the Book of Genesis who became the minister of Egypt from a slave. Moreover, at this time, many Christians followed Yukinaga to Udo from Shodo Island.

However, this territory was the unstable place where the riot occurred at the time of the former feudal lord. I think Yukinaga prayed for this to God, too.
And again he received a good idea from God. It was to reconcile with the powerful clans who had governed islands through a church, since they were Christians. Yukinaga permitted the powerful clans to possess Amakusa, and formed friendly relations with them.
Moreover, since people who had escaped from Christian persecution by Hideyoshi gathered to Christian feudal lords like Yukinaga, five priest halls, 14 churches, and also a theological college were moved to Udo and Amakusa islands.
Furthermore, the printing machines were also introduced from Europe, and various books were printed and published. A university was established, and religious paintings, organs, prints, and clocks were produced and creative activity was performed. And this area also became the base of Western culture.

(The Kyoto Glory Church Translation Committee is responsible for the wording of this article.)

「小西行長」 田村襄次 著
 「新編日本武将列伝 6」 桑田忠親 著