Footprints of Jurian Nakaura@No.10

The news that Jurian and others received consummate warm welcome by Philip 2, got
around all over Spain and Europe. Wherever they went, they were enthusiastically
received after Madrid. It may be like a scene from the Bible when Jesus was entering the
city of Jerusalem. Many people packed to long for a sight of Japanese men who came from
the edge of the East. Not only that, but after a certain point a rumor swirled around that
Jurian and other boys were "the princes of Japan." And with the order of Philip 2 who built
up the golden years of Spain, people's welcome just escalated.

Under this circumstance, Jurian and others never lost themselves. They always humbled
themselves and kept having a time to go before God at all cost. They had already spent
almost three years traveling. I can't tell how much they felt tired both physically and
mentally. However they never went to bed without prayers and repentance no matter how
late they were because of the welcomes. Through the time of fellowship with God,
they kept receiving the power from God in unaccustomed foreign countries. We,
Christians today, also should rest in the Lord every day without being caught up in the
tide of the times.

"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him." Psalm 37:7

Jurian and others finally shipped out to Italy from Alicante of Spain. In Italy, they visited
Pisa which is famous for Leaning Tower of Pisa and Firenze, the cradle of the Renaissance,
where Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci were flourished. Jurian and others stayed this
"museum city" for five days. They saw numerous "enormously uncommon things" such as
splendid buildings, paintings, sculptures, fountains and zoological parks and gave an
exclamation of surprise. I get excited when I think of the influences and possibilities they
might have after they, who had seen and experienced these things, came back to Japan.
Reality, however, took a totally unexpected turn. We also have many plans for our lives, but
only the will of the Lord will be done. The lives of Jurian and others were tossed about by
the period of Civil War.

Then Jurian and others drove in carriages for Rome where Gregory 13, the pope, was.

(The Kyoto Glory Church Translation Committee is responsible for the wording of this article.)



