Footprints of Sourin Otomo (No.6)
As Sourin began to tolerate Christianity, animosity from Shinto and Buddhist
retainers gradually
grew up toward him. Especially his wife, Yano and her brother, Chikakata
Tawara were against
the toleration for Christianity because they originally came from Nata
In the meantime, Chikakata's adopted child, Chikatora came to his father
seeking permission to
become a Christian. Though Chikakata was surprised, he cut off the adoptive tie with Chikatora
and began to destroy churches. Christians got together to protect their Padre. Among them,
there was Chikatora. Sourin was captivated by their actions of not fearing
When Sourin retired and transferred responsibility for the family to his
firstborn son, Yoshimune,
he got baptized and had a Christian name, Francisco which was taken from
Francisco Xavier.
He tried to build a country for Christians in the north of Hyuga. However,
Shimazu of Satsuma
attacked them and Yoshimune, who just had become a new head of the family, suffered a
crushing defeat. Shimazu took over Sourin's country. However his family
and a country of
Bungo had been protected by the help of Hideyoshi Toyotomi.
Seeing Hideyoshi who tried to conquer even Korea and Ming based in Kyushu,
remembered his old self. However, he was satisfied with his present self
who lived without
worrying about tomorrow by just trusting God. He was drawn up to heaven
one month before
Hideyoshi issued an edict banning Christianity, with more peaceful face
than ever before.
(The Kyoto Glory Church Translation Committee is responsible for the wording
of this article.)