Hashimoto Tahoe was a samurai in the service of
Nobunaga's grandson "Hidenobu."
His father had received baptism from Father Virera and is
said to have been one of the earliest believers in Kyoto.
Tahyoe learned Prtuguese as a boy and could read books
in foreigh languages with ease. He lived a life of faith in humility and dedication.
His wife, Tekura also came from a good family, and was the daughter of a believer.
Both Tahyoe and Tekura, in other words, were second generation Christians.
They were a happy and harmonious couple and their six children became third generation Christians.

On July 8, 1619, General Hidetada entered Kyoto and several days later, Tahyoe and his family were arrested while they were at their morning prayers.
Tekura was expecting her seventh child and was actually in the final month of pregnancy.
All the children except for Miguel (Michael), the eldest son, who was out at the time, were arrested with them.
When a government official asked Tekura if she was a believer, with incredible courage she declared that Jesus was her savior.
Tekura,heavily pregnant, was left behind in the mansion for a while. While there, she laid out everybody's best clothes, in preparation for martyrdom. She was then taken to the same prison as everybody else.

@@@@@@@@@@@@(Esther Atsuji is responsible for the wording of this article.)

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@šNext week we shall look at the town of Daiusu
@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@where Tekura Hashimoto lived.

<Tahyoe Hashimoto Family>
Footprints of Tekura Hashimoto@No.1
