5) Honnoji Incident

1582 was the year of the famous Honnoji Incident.  At the time Ukon was on his way to join forces with Akechi Mitsuhide who had set off to attack China, but he immediately hurried back to Takatsuki. At times like these, riots often break out and the countryside goes to rack and ruin since there is nobody left to look after things. When Ukon's army arrived back in Takatsuki, the streets showed no sign of any disturbance. The church door which was never closed so that people could come to pray whenever they wanted, was open as usual and the inside of the church too had been left untouched. Ukon repented of his lack of faith in God because he came home in such a hurry - and gave thanks to God for His protection. However, Ukon could not forgive Mitsuhide for what he had done. To turn against and even to kill one's master, was against the teachings of Christ. After the Murashige affair, this was certainly something which Ukon could not be forgotten.  Ukon joined Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the leader of the faction opposed to Mitsuhide, and fought so bravely that Mitsuhide's army suffered heavy casualties.

Some time after the thirteen days of Mitsuhide's rule had come to a close, Nobunaga's funeral was held in Kyoto. As the Buddhist ceremony of the funeral proceeded, the time came for incense to be burned and the feudal lords all stood up. Ukon, however, who knew that burning incense meant putting one's faith in Buddhism, remained seated. In such an age, if he had been censured for this, he might well have had his lands seized and been ordered to commit seppuku, but Ukon refused to be a half-hearted Christian.
He stuck to the teaching of Christ.

In the event, Ukon was not reprimanded by Hideyoshi on the contrary, everyone came to see Just's Christian faith in a new light.

Takatsuki Castle Museum on the site of TakatsukiCastle

(building in the center at the back)

Map of Takatsuki Castle on display inside the Museum
Footprints of Ukon Takayama No.4


                (Esther Atsuji is responsible for the wording of this article.)

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 「高山右近」 海老沢 有道 著
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