This year's Easter Service was held at
Prayer House of the Water Brooks
Dr.Minoru Okuyama delivered the message.
"Happy Easter!!" being blessed with fine weather.
Cherry blossoms bloomed, then a week later,
pretty peach flowers were in bloom.
Winter in this Keihoku area was bitter cold
and the plants seemed to freeze out.
However, when the Spring came,
all the trees and flowers were literally resurrected,
receiving the breath of the Lord.
We were thankful that we could rejoice
the resurrection of our Lord and
were able to worship the Lord together with joy.
We had a lunch on the deck with Easter eggs and fruits,
enjoying the celebration of the Lord.
Dr. Minoru Okuyama laid his hands on us and prayed for us.
We were delighted anew with the faith of resurrection.
NO.40 Hallelujah in
the Spring of Resurrection!!
with LOVE from
Prayer House of the Water Brooks
by Keihoku Kyoko